February 7, 2023

Dear Re-1 Valley Community Members,

As you know, this has been a very hard winter causing the Re-1 Valley School District to have six snow day closures so far this school year. This has resulted in a shortfall in the required minimum student/teacher contact hours per guidelines from the Colorado Department of Education.

In order to make up for the shortfall in student/teacher contact hours the Re-1 Valley Board of Education took formal action during the February 6, 2023, school board meeting to adopt a revised district calendar that included three additional days where students will be required to be in attendance. The three days are February 27, April 17, and May 15, 2023. The revised Re-1 Valley School District Calendar for 2022-23 is now posted on the district's website:  RE-1_ Valley_ School District Calendar.

In addition to the above-mentioned calendar change for all schools, Caliche Elementary,
Campbell Elementary and Sterling High School will also be making adjustments to the daily schedule at each school. The principal from each of these schools will be sending a separate letter to parents describing these changes which will go into effect on Tuesday, February 14, 2023.

The chance for more snow day closures this year is a real possibility. If the school district does need to have another snow day closure there is now one additional day included in the revised district calendar, with the exception of Sterling High School, which in case of another snow day closure will need to hold a remote learning day.

The Re-1 Valley School District will always keep the safety and well-being of students and staff as the highest priority in making the decision to close schools in the district.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and support in regard to this matter.


Dr. Marty Foster
Superintendent of Schools